The FPC Immigration Task force was created in 2017 in response to difficulties that our members were experiencing with the U.S. Immigration system.
The Task Force has been involved in organizing letter-writing campaigns and rallies, developing a Sanctuary Church policy, and visiting detained church immigrants in the Detention Center. Task Force members raised funds to provide needed financial support for our members experiencing detention/deportation issues.
The FPC Immigration Task force has also presented Second Hour Forums to help educate the church community about immigration challenges. The FPC Immigration Task force is a supporter of D.I.R.E (Deportation and Immigration Response Equipo) and Interfaith-RISE (Refugee and Immigrant Services and Empowerment). These organizations provide support services such as housing, case management, counseling, food, and referrals to those who have detention/deportation concerns.
For more information, please contact Rev. Dr. Fred G. Garry at or 732.491.2300.