First Presbyterian Church of MetuchenClick here for more information

Study Resources

Below you will find links to Lenten Devotionals and books written by the senior pastor and head of staff, Rev. Dr. Fred G. Garry, as well as articles and material for upcoming studies. 


Below you will find links to the 2025 Lenten Devotionals written by the senior pastor and head of staff, Rev. Dr. Fred G. Garry. 

Horizons Bible Study

Join others for a Bible study led by the Presbyterian Women. Meets every first Monday of the month from October through June. The studies are held at the Social Center in the Presbyterian Woman's Lounge and virtually via zoom. For additional information, click here
Zoom Link: Horizons Bible Study Zoom Link


Daily devotionals give us a way to read the Bible in an orderly way and reflect on its meaning in our lives. At First Presbyterian Church, we encourage all members and families to make time for daily devotionals. Here are a variety of resources that you can use as you grow in your walk with the Lord.

Devotional Resources on the Web

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Resources

For Youth

  • d365– A daily devotional series written especially for youth and young adults to create meaningful experiences for them

Contemporary Issues - Flyaway Books embraces diversity, inclusivity, compassion, care for each other, and care for our world. Many of their books explore social justice and other contemporary issues. Some retell familiar religious stories in new ways, while others carry universal themes appealing to those with any, or no, religious background.  Visit their website to explore their offerings. Our church library has many of their books you can borrow at no charge. For more information, contact Nancy Leardi, Director of Christian Education at  

Building Faith at Home

  • Everyday Family Health:  SIMPLE PRACTICES: faith questions, prayers, activity ideas.  Ask Nancy Leardi at for your copy today ($5.00 donation).
  • 5 Ways to Pray with Kids:  Simple and impactful ways to teach children how to pray. Click here to download.

For additional information, click here.